There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available majority have suffered alteration. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley. Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus. Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque. Nunc […]
Today, I launch a series on business modeling. As a complement to business plan development, I thought it would be useful to explore the thoughts that make a business idea work centered around the idea of capital development. A business model is your process for creating capital. It can be social or economic capital, but […]
Your affirmation this week is about more than affirmation. In fact, it is about MORE. Specifically, “More Than.” Ironically, the result of MORE THAN is intended to be realization that YOU ARE ENOUGH. 1. More than Age The wisdom of age is to realize the need for integration of each period of development. The child […]
#MondayMotivation Setting suns and the end of daylight savings time brings a specific set of challenges for those of us who enjoy order and predictability. The new rhythms associated with the time change is one challenge. The decrease in sunlight is another. It seems no mistake that a significant set of holidays present themselves for […]
Encouragement this Monday comes from the mind, listening, authenticity, and self-talk. It is a reminder to seek relationships that feed your progress. Even 15-minutes per week in conversation with someone who believes in you can change your life. Twenty minutes per week working WITH someone who counts you as a partner can change the lives […]
#MondayMotivation This week, as the season begins to change and the challenge of the Winter months looms, I want to encourage you toward productivity. The instinct is to hibernate–to hide away from the challenges, the criticism, the hurdles, and the weather. I encourage you to find your shine on the inside. I further challenge you […]
#BusinessTip #Tuesday Here is the part of the branding cycle where you actually make money. You have at least two choices in this stage of brand development: seek investment to expand the bounds of the brand or seek to sell the brand to another firm. Both options have advantages. Ultimately, the decision is made on ownership, legacy, […]
Quiet Exits from the Field As Bernie Sanders gains fundraising momentum after his great showing in the Democratic debate, we continue along in the campaign season toward primaries for both parties. Little notice has been given to the Walker and Perry campaigns that have folded on the Republican side. Scott Walker posted to his Facebook […]
#MondayMotivation Contrary to a popular meme making its rounds on social media, expect the same kindness and generosity in return for the love you show to others. Just don’t expect it from the person you help. Part of the reason is capacity. But, the more important and useful perspective is because helping is not […]
#SWNext #SocialWorkNext #Oligarchy The Nobel prize for Economics was announced Monday. It went to Angus Deaton for work highlighting the mechanisms that perpetuate the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. It reminded me of one of the most troubling moments ever as a social worker. I cringe when I hear another social worker […]