I woke up to a quote that felt like home, the home I have been living in for the last month. Risk. It’s all fine and dandy to talk about risk when it is a chance to review a new opportunity. But, when risk requires faith because the opportunity is little more than a passion […]
MAWMonday Motivators 05/17/2015
Success and successful people, that is the theme today. What struck me was a nagging question I have wrestled with this week and for the last few years really. Jennifer Thompson posted it in a way that combined elements perfectly for my current mood. The point is best summed up by what a friend wrote in […]
MAWMonday Motivators 05/10/2015
On its surface, Suffering does not seem like a very motivating word. But, I have never been accused of being a surface thinker. What struck me this week was the connection between suffering and action expressed in one quote attributed to none other than Napolean Bonaparte. Your motivation this week: If you don’t want suffering. […]
MAWMondayMotivators 05/03/2015
The weather is really helping me out, but I have had the urge to increase my activity for the last month. With a number of important writing and programming projects over the last quarter, I have been sitting longer than I would like. Even with morning exercises, breaks, and posture routines, nothing takes the place […]
MAWMonday Motivators 04/26/2015
Today’s MAWMonday Motivators is focused on two words: Mistakes and Recovery. I had an inspired conversation last week with a person who is in recovery. We talked about the mindset, the process, and the pressures that lead to relapse–the mistakes along the recovery path. We both agreed on a lesson for every aspect of life. […]
MAWMonday Motivators 04/19/2015
So much to do, and so little time. But, my message for you today concerns the reality of time, your practices, and your vision for your future. Expand your view. Realize how much time you have behind you. Think of all the things you did not know back then. Focus on the successes you have […]
MAWMonday Motivators 4/14/2015
I’ve experienced disappointment this past week. But, I’m late with MAWMonday Motivators to post this encouragement on my birthday. If you’ve had disappointment, my message this week is that your life is a movie, and you are the star. The story has some sad parts. The story had some great parts too. My suggestion is […]
MAWMonday Motivators 04/05/2015
I took time this weekend to file my taxes in my final submission as MAWMedia Group, sole proprietorship. I prepared a report for the family as is our tradition. I wondered how many people 1) run their households like a business, especially in the area of finances, and 2) report on the key indicators of […]
MAWMonday Motivators 3/29/2015
I read a meme from a friend that appeared in my FB news feed. It reminded me of the mistakes I am hearing about in my Family Coaching practice. I decided to dedicate today’s MAWMonday Motivators to encourage your play. As always, Twitter was on the same wavelength. The original meme quipped: #LetMePlay I am […]
MAWMonday Motivators 3/22/2015
I am a great believer in natural order including the law of attraction. So, it is no coincidence that I operate, even in the little things, out of a universal sense of order and purpose. What is exciting are those moments when you are confirmed in your choice behavior and your insistence on certain mannerisms. Those […]