MAWMonday Motivators 12/28/2014

The last motivation message before the new year 2015 includes counsel to design, innovate, imagine, remain, and desire. I am not one to shun new year’s resolutions. The new year offers an unmistakable reminder that your opportunity is wide open and in front of you. It reminds you to make each moment count, to create, […]

MAWMonday Motivators 12/21/2014

A day late, because I was applying the sort of laser focus it takes to program Perl, HTML5, and CSS3 along with implementing JQuery. I remembered and took the time to retweet some of my favorite tweets. I just did not take the time to create this post. No regrets though. I spent some quality time […]

Financial Literacy: Stocks, Credit, Life

Two years ago, I bought my kids $1000 in gifts for Christmas. I sold that Facebook stock last month for $2300…. — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) December 14, 2014 Who Should Attend Are you working just to pay your bills? Do you have more month than you have money? Have you ever wanted to […]

MAWMonday Motivators 12/08/2014

I opened Twitter today to have my day instantly brightened by a notification. @JusMe_RissaD let me know that she had posted a blog. As I read, I knew what I wanted to write for MAWMonday Motivators. As I lurked more Twitter feeds, I realized that many major tweeters are with me. 1. Know the History […]

MAWMonday Motivators 11/09/2014

My selections for this MAWMonday motivate a sense of freedom, reality, balance, inspiration, and purpose. I have woven them into a narrative that I hope inspires you. If it doesn’t, just know that you were already energized. You should be writing! 🙂 1. Freedom. Free is what is possible. Purpose is finding what makes you […]

MAWMonday Motivators 11/02/2014

The first Monday in November. Daylight savings transition. The true beginning of the holiday season. Two months until 2015. Completing the goals of 2014 and laying the foundation for an even more productive, healthy, persistent, fearless, prosperous 2015 are on my mind. All the while, I am thankful, considerate, and intentional about THIS MOMENT. 1. […]