MAWMonday Motivators 10/19/2014

This week is dedicated to you. Life often provides challenges that highlight character. It is also true that the navigation through life IS character. Choice is character. This week, I was struck by tweets that supported sustainable choice behavior. Not only purpose and intentionality, but sustainable reactions to what life brings to you. 1. I […]

3 Keys from Social Good to Social Greatness

As I work with companies that want to create a social good, I am often surprised at the similarities in their approaches. As a social worker, I employ the ethic of self-determination in my consulting and coaching. Yet, what works is just what works in business. In this piece, I present what seems to work […]

MAWMonday Motivators 10/12/2014

MAWMonday Motivators is my effort to trigger productive behaviors. I will check my Twitter feed and retweet 5 inspirational thoughts that I hope will trigger your action, and remind you of your giftedness and my joy in seeing you produce. Look for them to be posted by Monday morning each week–a COACH Method intervention and […]

MAWMonday Motivators 10/05/2014

Potential clients often say to me, “Dr. Wright, I’m just going to need you to keep me motivated.” “That’s impossible,” I exclaim. “The only person capable of motivating you is YOU.” It’s a truth that defies what has been taught in common circles, but it has not been ignored by behavioral science. BJ Fogg outlines […]

Entrepreneur Series: Ali Leonard

Meeting Ali Leonard was an extreme pleasure. Ali is a knowledgeable, engaging personality with a passion for improving the financial lives of individuals and families. Ali shares what inspired his business, goals yet to reach, and a vision for wealth creation. If you know me, you will know immediately why we connected. Question 1: What […]

Shelldon: Building Software Infrastructure for Higher Ed

Introduction With The focus so fully on recruitment and retention in higher education, it is increasingly more important to understand where your students are, how they are progressing, and what their competence is. A management information system can make this all quite simple. With mobile technologies as a tag-along with over 90% of students, complex […]

Rebuilding Trust: An Outline

    Rebuilding #Trust requires two skills that you may have been taught NOT to apply to people: #Judgement and #Risk — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 25, 2014 Rebuilding #Trust: Judgment is a determination between #investment and #charity. Former has returns. Latter has none. — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 25, 2014 Rebuilding #Trust: […]

Cooking up Success: Ingredients Outline

The secret ingredient is a #belief that someone believes in you. Add #discipline, #vision, and #initiative. Stir… — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 16, 2014 It’s not the #coaching itself that makes the difference. It’s the calculation to take risks. — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 16, 2014 Discipline: Whatever the goal, it […]