A Talk with Brady Boe Series Writer Taunya Wright

Taunya Wright, Writer is special, but she does not want people to view her story or her achievements as out of reach. Even as she makes the second book in the Brady Boe series, Wild Honey, available for distribution, she is brimming with encouragement for aspiring authors and others who want to pursue life-long dreams. […]

N.A.H. Interviews MAWMedia Owner

MAWMedia Group Owner/CEO, Michael A. Wright, was interviewed for the “People Who Inspire Series” on Notes of an Aspiring Humanitarian, a popular blog written by an entrepreneurial social worker, Relando Thompkins. Many know that MAWMedia Group is headed by a social worker. What they may not know is the story of his personal development and […]

GIM+: Generalist Practice Attitudes and Behaviors

MAWMedia Group publicizes the release of the much anticipated title Interviewing Skills: GIM+ Introduction this week. The college text is targeted toward pre-service counselors, social workers, and psychology majors. It provides training in the change process inherent in a generalist practice approach to interviewing. Link to LuLu.com for a preview and table of contents. The plus […]

A Local Structure for Social Determinants of Health

The World Health Organization defines social determinants of health as “…conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age, including the health system…shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels.” The international organization has launched a commendable commission, sponsored a world conference, and provided overarching recommendations […]

President of MAWMedia Makes Contribution

UPDATE: An attractive recap may be found at the following address on Relando Thompkins’ NAH site: http://www.relandothompkins.com/2012/09/18/a-valuable-resouce-the-social-worker-as-a-consultant-series/ Nashville- Michael Wright, President of MAWMedia Group, recently agreed to contribute a series of blogs to the site SocialWorkHelper.com on the topic of consulting. The series,   entitled, “The Social Worker as Consultant,” will reportedly begin with a definition of and perspective […]

COACH goes to the MNPS Conference

Nashville – Michael Wright, President of MAWMedia Group, will be presenting along with others at the 2012 Social and Emotional Learning Conference. Find the conference agenda here: http://www.mnps.org/AssetFactory.aspx?did=70571. The all-day conference, which takes place July 16, 2012, is presented by the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) in partnership with Alignment Nashville. According to the conference […]