This week, we are talking about walking away in more healthy, strategic, and hopeful ways than you may have thought about letting go in the past. This week is about giving up the negative, the toxic, the unhealthy, and the obligatory. Reclaim your life and habits for love. You first. Family second. Community results. Twitter […]
MAWMonday Motivators 11/06/2016
The experience of clarity is empowering and rejuvenating, and also sobering and cautionary. I believe it is the reason we look forward to vacations. But, it is also responsible for the energy drain we feel upon returning from a vacation. You realize that you have the power to choose, but you also realize that you […]
MAWMonday Motivators 10/30/2016
If you had the opportunity of your dreams, what could keep you from it? Credible information, a need to plan, and experience should give you pause. But, that’s not the end of the story. Those are not the only decision-makers. Include your heart. Get consonant with what YOUR needs are. Not what you are supposed […]
MAWMonday Motivators 10/23/2016
As I read term papers from students this week, I began to think about my passion for helping people and my own journey through life. Would I have become the person I am if I had been saved from some of the disappointments and outright failures I endured? How can I know that my help […]
MAWMonday Motivators 10/16/2016
Three things are certain: Attraction, Karma, and Interdependence. Without a determination of good or bad, like attracts like. You get what you give. No man is an island. The incredible difference in being human is to envision a future and make it come to fruition. Your “HOW” will follow the universal laws including attraction, karma, […]
MAWMonday Motivators 10/09/2016
My inner geek woke up this morning with a question of centrality. Centrality is a construct prevalent in communications, organizational development, mathematics, and even social networks. My question: What is your center? Here’s the awesome sauce. You may not be the center of the universe, but when it comes to your happiness, the choice is […]
MAWMonday Motivators 10/02/2016
I get it. You’re busy. Caught in busy-ness. But, what is your business? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 675,000 businesses were created in 2015. You may look at them as many generic stars. Burning bright and busy. Yet, you are probably unsure of their names and purposes. Your business needs to be […]
MAWMonday Motivators 09/25/2016
Could it be that life is at once a totally individualized challenge to achieve AND a collaborative, help-seeking opportunity to pay it forward? It could also be that life is neither. The only certainty is that you have a choice. What you may not realize and put into daily practice is that you impact your […]
MAWMonday Motivators 09/18/2016
My favorite part about being a coach is the product–what my clients produce. Second to that fave is the moment when a client realizes that their product is possible. I sometimes laugh at myself because the search for this reward gets me into some strange conversations judging by the looks I get. I not only […]
MAWMonday Motivators 09/11/2016
One hundred and five days until Christmas. I saw it with my own eyes. Wrapping paper and other Christmas items are already for sale. I must admit, I was excited that the holiday could be so close. Yet, I realized that the rush to Christmas somewhat disregards Fall Equinox, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas break…and (let’s be […]