Someone asked me if I had ever attended seminars or sat with gurus and thought leaders like Tony Robbins or John Maxwell. I had to think about it a moment because I never considered the question. After a moment I realized my bias. I am hyper-fixated on ensuring that I am never a consumer. In […]
You Need Help: What if that Wasn’t a Bad Thing?
In the journey of personal development and success, we often rely on figures of guidance and help to steer us through various stages in life. In this context, three main types of professionals come into play in this transformative journey – a counselor, a mentor, and a coach. These individuals play distinct roles in helping […]
Self-Image: Constructing through the Social Pressures in the Crucial Areas
Dialogue: MAWMonday Motivators 08/13/2017
Dialogue Even if it Results in Compromise The solution will not work if we do not approach it with the goal of consensus and the willingness to compromise. Dialogue continues as long as we observe those two tenets. We lose once we demonize the other, call names, and close our ears. As any adult can […]
MAWMonday Motivators 08/06/2017
If you endeavor to open perspectives, expand options, and feed constructive dialogue, you can make a real difference in the world. Inspire. That’s it. Get out there and inspire.
MAWMonday Motivators 07/30/2017
1. Create Meaning 2. Break through Obstacles 3. Be Afraid, But Don’t Shrink 4. Take Pride in Your Scars 5. See Your Worth
MAWMonday Motivators 07/23/2017
It is the evolution of attempts to match expertise to markets, and capability to capacity. It is also another demonstration of pushing past fear and uncertainty to chance an expansion of territory and a greater impact on the world.
MAWMonday Motivators 07/16/2017
What Kindness Are You Giving Yourself? Kindness, possibility, and authenticity. These are the focus this week. Kindness shared freely with the world and even those who seemingly don’t deserve it. But, also kindness to yourself. To speak kind words that nudge you out of a shell of regret, failure, and uncertainty. Kindness is the beginning […]
MAWMonday Motivators 07/09/2017
Process, Your Progress & Canaries in Coal Mines This week’s inspiration is in process and progress. Revere the process with greater esteem than you have been. Accept progress as simply as you allow the inhale and exhale of breath. That feeling of stretch is the process. You are going to emerge stronger and live your […]
MAWMonday Motivators 07/02/2017
You Should Have Started A Long Time Ago The experience of any increase in efficiency, passion, reasoning, knowledge, or joy is immediately followed with a common human thought. We all rack our brains attempting to figure out why we waited so long to implement the new solution. We wonder what took us so long. Often, […]