#MondayMotivation You set your heart on something that you wanted to achieve. You put in the time to plan and schedule your success. You have produced a bit. You have experienced some success. But, your momentum is hampered because you’re smart enough to know the length of the road ahead. Respect is not enough. A […]
MAWMonday Motivators 09/13/2015
#MondayMotivation With the passing of labor day, all schools have not entered the Fall session. It got me thinking about this time of year and the value of education. I’m often asked, “Dr. Wright, Should I go back to school?” I answer No…Unless the experience will result in increased competence, confidence, network, and communication skills. […]
MAWMonday Motivators 09/06/2015
#laborDay #mondayMotivation It’s still a Monday, but it is a day to celebrate that we have holidays, weekends, 401K, sick leave, and more negotiated through strong unions and collective bargaining. It’s a reminder of our power when we stand united in communication with corporations who often have influence beyond our reckoning. It’s also a day […]
MAWMonday Motivators 08/30/2015
#MondayMotivation #selfish This weeek, I’m thinking about all the bad advice I have been given over 40 years of life. I have learned to explore even the dark feelings to maintain a keen sense of the light. It is with that in mind that I provide tweets this week that could be interpreted as dark […]
MAWMonday Motivators 08/23/2015
#mind #vision #smile Another week of breakthroughs, clarifying my vision into action steps. I am writing with a confidence only 3 years of blogging can engender. I am bolstered by a certainty that can only result from the experience of having achieved, completed, and failed over and over again. I am realizing my energy and […]
MAWMonday Motivators 08/16/2015
I outlined a book for a client this week. One of the chapters discussed doubt as the most detrimental tool working against your success. More than procrastination, fear, and writer’s block. Doubt may be the source of them all. Some mistake questioning for doubt. Questions are appropriate and important to your continued growth. It is […]
MAWMonday Motivators 08/09/2015
People have always expressed to me that I am destined for greatness, made for greater things. I have often heard from people that I respect, “You could write you own ticket.” I have come to joke that they did not tell me that I would have to build the railroad and each rail car from […]
MAWMonday Motivators 08/02/2015
Summer ends for those of us who have children of school age. It’s also a transition period for everyone, even those without children. Traffic to and from school creates a new flow within cities. School hours will now be characterized by a conspicuous absence of school-age actors from malls, burger joints, and community parks. Even though […]
Online with Your Next Job Search
Indeed.com is the clearing house, and a typical destination for job seekers. Even if you begin on google, career builder, or other sites, chances are, you are getting data aggregated from indeed.com. And there are many job sites out there. Ziprecuriter.com boasts to potential employers that they submit a listing to 100+ job boards. For […]
MAWMonday Motivators 07/26/2015
The most frustrating thing to me are the lessons I learned and committed to memory that are just plain false. Those misguided attempts at wisdom of well-meaning people who were hoping to keep me safe instead of allowing me to live in the fully glory of risk. It’s not the ones you know about and […]