MAWMonday Motivators 02/08/2015

I opened Twitter for my morning writing and noticed that #amWriting was trending. I followed the thread and began to interact with the messages shared. As a coach, I see the connection between writing and self-development. I am often quoted expressing the fact that YOU WRITE your own endings. It seems that serious writers are […]

MAWMonday Motivators 01/25/2015

The annual Gates Letter is out. I was struck by a number of facts and encouragements presented in the report. I was also impressed by the use of the web medium to present the annual report and call to action. I offer some stunning insights as encouragement to you this week. First, as a call […]

MAWMonday Motivators 01/18/2015

Twitter is a great place to learn about social behavior. I learned a valuable lesson this week, not only in the tweets I will share today, but also in the course of participating in #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha. The lesson was reinforced in a conversation I had with an adopted daughter. The lesson concerns the difference between sales […]

MAWMonday Motivators 01/11/2015

An inspirational question made its rounds on social media, apparently starting on this weekend. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? I was interested in the question because I often encounter clients who have not asked enough questions of themselves in order to answer the question effectively. For today’s MAWMonday Motivators, […]

MAWMonday Motivators 01/04/2015

I have read, watched movies, discussed, and reflected over the last 60 days about life, business, and achievements on the horizon. My conclusion: I have been guilty of the cardinal sin of business development–attempting to change the world. It’s a worthy life strategy, and a noble pursuit by all accounts. But, it does not work as […]

MAWMonday Motivators 12/28/2014

The last motivation message before the new year 2015 includes counsel to design, innovate, imagine, remain, and desire. I am not one to shun new year’s resolutions. The new year offers an unmistakable reminder that your opportunity is wide open and in front of you. It reminds you to make each moment count, to create, […]