Sustainable Program Design: EBP & the Science

How do you know that the mechanism you have outlined will work? Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the intentional use of mechanisms that have been shown to have efficacy (to work) within a certain environment. A literature review is the best way to avail yourself of EBP with application to your environment. In conducting the literature […]

Sustainable Program Design: Where To Start

Often, (too often in my opinion) great social enterprises are started and stopped. They were started with the promise of engaging the least of these, filling in a service gap, or enabling community progress. They end with bitter feelings of a community ill-equipped and non-supportive. I mention this because the reality of other social enterprises […]

President of MAWMedia Makes Contribution

UPDATE: An attractive recap may be found at the following address on Relando Thompkins’ NAH site: Nashville- Michael Wright, President of MAWMedia Group, recently agreed to contribute a series of blogs to the site on the topic of consulting. The series,   entitled, “The Social Worker as Consultant,” will reportedly begin with a definition of and perspective […]

Your Personal Bakery (2 of 2)

Starting Your Personal Bakery The first question is: What do you know? What is it that you know more about than anyone in your circle? What advice or services do you always seem to be providing for others? What need do you continually run into? Consider that you respond, see, or know about this topic […]

Your Personal Bakery (1 of 2)

The Pie and the Bakery A predominant paradigm in society today is that of a pie—a reality of scarce resources and expanding needs. Everyone is conditioned to seek her piece of the pie. Let us take that analogy for a moment. One option is to get a piece of the pie. Another option is to […]