Renowned Career Coach, Dr. Michael A. Wright, Joins the Center for Black Men’s Empowerment and Alliance at Rhode Island College

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Renowned Career Coach, Dr. Michael A. Wright, Joins the Center for Black Men’s Empowerment and Alliance at Rhode Island College Providence, RI – In a significant move to bolster the resources and support available for Black men in the academic and professional realms, Dr. Michael A. Wright has been officially listed as […]

Taunya Wright Moves to Full-Time CEO

Press Release – Nashville. Taunya Wright, RN has accepted the call for full-time appointment as Chief Executive Officer of MAWMedia Group, LLC effective July 1, 2016. Michael A. Wright will continue as Chairman of the Board and Staff Consultant one day per week. Taunya’s charge leverages her expertise in health care, education, and writing. Two […]

#DeceptionsBook Available Now

Find yourself. Find your help. The book accomplishes 2 simple tasks. First, it identifies and discusses the primary barriers to collaboration. Second, it provides the methods for overcoming the barriers. The difference is that it takes the discussion deep into the system of deception, self-deception, role and identity confusion, guilt, shame, and adult development in […]

Hillary Clinton Can Do Better on Race

Hillary Clinton is currently using a rhetorical device that is an attempt to be “honest.” It is a call for us to be reflective about our own indifference to the racial divide. The problem is, former Secretary of State Clinton reinforces an irrational fear, masked in a logical fallacy to justify an unsustainable ego defense. […]

Social Work Next Overview

Overview: What happens when the COACHMethod and the profession of social work come together for synergistic evolution: Social Work Next! Social workers are on the front lines of social entrepreneurship, financial capability, public education, and health care. Yet, the profession is only now discussing the integration of these practice areas into social work education. Rather […]

Financial Literacy: Stocks, Credit, Life

Two years ago, I bought my kids $1000 in gifts for Christmas. I sold that Facebook stock last month for $2300…. — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) December 14, 2014 Who Should Attend Are you working just to pay your bills? Do you have more month than you have money? Have you ever wanted to […]

MAWMonday Motivators 12/08/2014

I opened Twitter today to have my day instantly brightened by a notification. @JusMe_RissaD let me know that she had posted a blog. As I read, I knew what I wanted to write for MAWMonday Motivators. As I lurked more Twitter feeds, I realized that many major tweeters are with me. 1. Know the History […]

Cooking up Success: Ingredients Outline

The secret ingredient is a #belief that someone believes in you. Add #discipline, #vision, and #initiative. Stir… — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 16, 2014 It’s not the #coaching itself that makes the difference. It’s the calculation to take risks. — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 16, 2014 Discipline: Whatever the goal, it […]

Entrepreneur Series: Janet Blakemore

I have always been fascinated with entrepreneurs. People who exemplify the courage to launch and maintain a business are inspiring to me. As I brainstormed topics for my blog, I landed on the idea to honor some of these risk takers. Along the way, I have learned quite a bit about leadership, accounting, networking, and other […]