MAWMonday Motivators 10/05/2014

MotivationPotential clients often say to me, “Dr. Wright, I’m just going to need you to keep me motivated.”

“That’s impossible,” I exclaim. “The only person capable of motivating you is YOU.”

It’s a truth that defies what has been taught in common circles, but it has not been ignored by behavioral science. BJ Fogg outlines three ingredients for Behavior in an equation:

Behavior (B) = MAT

M is for motivation. You have to bring that yourself.

A is for ability. This is information, know-how, and explanation. I do this, sometimes correcting misconceptions, sometimes making connections, always increasing competence.

T is for trigger. This is the timely reminders that this moment is yours in which to act.

MAWMonday Motivators is my effort to trigger productive behaviors. I will check my Twitter feed and retweet 5 inspirational thoughts that I hope will trigger your action, and remind you of your giftedness and my joy in seeing you produce. Look for them to be posted by Monday morning each week–a COACH Method intervention and a service of

1. This one looms huge for me today. I have a number of projects that are stacked up, promised to friends. They understand that I have to take care of clients first, but that doesn’t make it less troubling when I have to again delay a response to them.

2. I often hear music, and, for a brief moment, I want to fire up my keyboard and compose. Yet, I ordered my path to complete some other projects first. My schedule has no space for music right now, or I risk poor production in other areas. I have to be who I am right now. I look forward to clearing the space to be the rest of me.

3. I like the quote, but I just learned about Dr. M. Her social media is ordered by a hashtag scheme that I think is brilliant. She has categories that are a clever quip: #StuffIDo #StuffILearned #Godfidence. I’m adopting this technique. If you have never wrestled with branding in the context of social media, trust me, this is brilliant for your inspiration and consistent branding.

4. What are the days that you are not enjoying the present and investing in your legacy? Two days: yesterday and tomorrow. #Clever

5. I saw a clip from Tony Robbins that stated something to the effect of, “The goal does not bring you happiness or satisfaction. Satisfaction is in what you become in order to achieve the goal.” This quote from Marie Curie crystalizes Tony’s thought for me. Your giftedness is the promise, the yearning to BECOME what it takes to achieve the goal.

6. …and this bonus from Marshawn. (Notice the #Godfidence hashtag!) This reminds you that this moment, in this day, in this season, in this path IS success. You are not getting to a goal. You reach goals every moment. Destiny is NOW. Every additional, subsequent moment is a greater BECOMING.