MAWMonday Motivators 07/16/2017

What Kindness Are You Giving Yourself?

Kindness, possibility, and authenticity. These are the focus this week. Kindness shared freely with the world and even those who seemingly don’t deserve it. But, also kindness to yourself. To speak kind words that nudge you out of a shell of regret, failure, and uncertainty. Kindness is the beginning of belief in yourself. Not knowing, but you can learn. No experience, but you can begin. Sketchy past, but you can draw in the details. The possibilities may not be endless, but they are beyond what you can think or imagine. Get on that path of self-acceptance. Live now, and build a legacy for the future.

Twitter, as always, assists me. We start with inspiration from Gina Humber (@ghumber720) and end with a quote from J.K. Rowling. Along the way, with hope, you begin to accept the possibility of the impossible.

1. Never too Soon

The solution is not to be harder on yourself. Hopefully, that is not what you have learned to do. It yielded sporadic results at best if it was your experience. Now, you have the choice to research and discover what will work. I can tell you that the theory on behavior change suggests that you make it easy and you remind yourself at multiple points in the process. The solution is learning and scheduling. Implement a systematic routine of both, and include an extra dose of kindness to everyone involved including You.

2. Nothing Impossible

Some things are impossible. Mostly, the impossible are things that fall outside the natural order or outside the bounds of universal law. The problem is that we are too quick to raise the white flag of surrender without engaging the power of nature or the universe. For all the realities that you are faced with, opportunities exist to approach them. Possibility is about giving yourself the chance to do something that extends your ability out to belief. Just be willing to step out there. Don’t pull back before you see the power that is possible.

3. Love Possibility

It’s not really a smell. It is an extrasensory perception. It is what is possible even though evidence hasn’t revealed itself yet. It’s just calculations and theories and faith. But, that’s enough. All that is left is to put the plan into action. The results of that test are data for new calculations. Waking each morning to perceive, calculate, test, and learn is living. This daily routine makes failure impossible.

4. Cross the Bridge

And, this is the greatest kindness of all: to see your inabilities and missed opportunities as lessons not insecurities. They are water under the bridge. Don’t allow them to signal regret. Don’t allow them to distract and disillusion. Recognize your bridge, and cross it. Your bridge is constructed by your motivation, supported by universal law, suspended by natural order, and paved with learned lessons and scheduled activity. Explore to the other side daily. Map what you alone can reveal. Find peace. Then, share it with the world.

5. Live Authentically

If you are going to do this, do it with all your might. If you’re going to be disingenuous, faithless, fake, and fickle, at least don’t pretend to be anything other than what you are. Otherwise, you look the clown red hands, brown nose, and those ridiculous shoes.

It is not completely true by the standards of society that your failure is inevitable. Nor is it a standard measure of having lived. Yet, it is the measure of impact one person to another. Without vulnerability, without the risk of failure, without loss you will never impact another’s life while you are alive. You never achieve a legacy. At best, your life is a lesson to future generations who diligently seek examples of what not to do.