MAWMonday Motivators 07/26/2015

The most frustrating thing to me are the lessons I learned and committed to memory that are just plain false. Those misguided attempts at wisdom of well-meaning people who were hoping to keep me safe instead of allowing me to live in the fully glory of risk. It’s not the ones you know about and can point to that hinder you. It’s the ones buried so deep that you think they are pearls of wisdom that help you to discern truth from error.

Nate-Moore-Red-Rock-Canyon-Tsunami-Wall-Action-in-Solitude-3I have learned a few methods to resist these perpetrators in my life. One telltale sign is to monitor my sense of loss and fear of losing something to gain something else. It’s like rock climbing. To grasp at the next level of rock, you must let go of the previous safe, secure place. Too often, in these situations, I have been trained to examine the opportune rock. I have been told to study its sturdiness and potential for safe haven. I have since learned that this examination is a deception. Check your anchor! Leap knowing that you set secure safety ropes. If the new rock is loose, your anchor will hold.

Sure you will have a time climbing back to your previous spot on the face. But, should the rock hold, you will have achieved what few can. You will have conquered fear, and gained reward.

This week, I encourage you to set your anchor and take the leap to the next level. I present other truths that motivate your risk. Find courage. Ask. Plant. Connect. In all, know that your first anchor is purpose. You have a purpose that no one can loosen, and only you can reach.

1. Results are in Proportion to Your Courage
How far can you go? How much can you achieve? I don’t know. How far are you willing to go? How much effort are you going to put in until you quit? Determine that for yourself. Determine what satisfaction looks like for you. Determine the next achievement. You will reach it when you step out adding action to your belief in yourself.

2. You Get What You Ask For
This one is weighing on me this week. Why do we assume that we have to comply with the rules of convention? I saw a job offering to be an on-call content developer for training. I saw a part-time job for $35,000. I saw a grant writing position that offered flexible hours. Who said 40 hours 9-5 was the only way? No one. We just accepted it. Don’t accept it anymore. You don’t have the job yet. Ask for what you want. If you don’t get it, you have not lost anything.

3. What You Plant, Your Reap
The way to gauge your progress is by what you invest. You were able to make the investment. That says that you had means. You planted well. That says that you had skill. Continue on your journey of seeding a just future. In the process, you have already reaped one reward. Remain hopeful of the reward to come.

4. Build Networks not Work
This is another light this week. Give up the search for work, and begin to connect. Look genuinely for opportunities to engage with people. This week, I accomplished more than I would have dreamed with the simple act of engagement. First, I lessened the intimidation feeling when talking with a superstar. Second, I gained insight into an opportunity that promises to translate years of waiting into weeks of anticipation. It all happened because I took a chance on network rather than seeking work.

5. Your Purpose is Fact not Opinion
And to all my haters I say…The most important person to reassure and prove wrong is yourself. Not really YOU, but the mis-educated voice inside your head that has convinced you that safety is the goal. That somehow, if you could just stay safe into your gerontological years, you will achieve a good life. In no uncertain terms, speak life to your inner child and encourage him/her. Anything is possible.

I asked my children what their flaws were. After I explained what I meant, they each had a hard time coming up with one. I had to change the wording and speak of goals, experiences that motivate, or perceptions to overcome. I realized that they are not being trained to doubt themselves and their abilities. They don’t naturally second-guess themselves. They believe in their ability to achieve. They are comfortable with risk because they have their parental anchor. I want to be more like them as I grow older.