Whether you simply want to say something or you have a novel fully outlined, you will find your voice and eventually realize your vision. We nurture your project as you Create. We Package sourcing industry-leading, low-cost, and on-demand services. We Disseminate connecting with market portals like Amazon, Etsy, and Udemy and social media portals like YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook.
We offer
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We can work with you to build a communication and content development strategy resulting in deeper donor relationships and an increased understanding of the impact of your social enterprise. We identify and develop stories that communicate the concept of collective impact. We develop compelling stories in PSA, documentary, episodic, or feature film formats highlighting your work and social good footprint. Share your content through your YouTube, Vimeo, or social media channel to inform your stakeholder community and engage new supporters.
Educational Media
We can help you take your project from desk to computer desktops or to to CDROM for distribution. Our focus is on storytelling and progressively educating the user. Whether it’s in the form of a game, a lesson, a novel, or a movie, we utilize a proprietary process in competency-based education to develop engaging products. We begin by organizing content. We then build both linear and non-linear outlines of the content, and package your content for distribution. In addition to award winning design, we add voice over, feedback elements, active content, and animation to produce a top-tier interactive media product.
Print Publishing with Accompaniment
If you want to connect with your audience through print books, e-books, web, CDROM, or DVD, we can assist with a primary product and accompanying material. MAWMedia Group demystifies content creation to develop authors with a diverse range of voices. MAWMedia Group is the publisher. We assign our own ISBN numbers. We maintain a strict intellectual property policy that allows you to own the copyright on the content you create even while partnering with MAWMedia Group to package, disseminate, broker new markets, and develop your capacity.
Author Development
Content is central to any product. This means that a manuscript will be the basis of any production process. Manuscripts begin with outlines. Outlines begin with simple story arcs: a beginning, a middle, and an ending. If you can conceptualize a story arc, MAWMedia Group can assist you with the rest. Once you have content, MAWMedia Group will help you package the content into a book, DVD, interactive CDROM, or a website. Often, a combination of those four products result from a production schedule. In this way, your product relevance is maximized.
View our services exclusively on Fiverr.com:
1. Help outlining your book or e-book.
2. Help outlining your biography.