MAWMonday Motivators 01/29/2017

Being authentic also includes being vulnerable. Truth is, every day is not sunny. I have made two moves with the promise of more sunny days. To Nashville from Indiana promised 22 additional days of sun. From Nashville to Reno offered an additional 3 full months of sunlight comparatively. But, alas. Doldrums, pity parties, and ahedonia […]

MAWMonday Motivators 11/20/2016

This week, I’m preoccupied with the power of the mind. I am overwhelmed with how trauma keeps many from experiencing abundant lives. Resilience for many is a risk to adopt an unfamiliar choice. Even though their familiar choice is harmful, it presents a clear and comfortable role. The good news is that you can overcome. […]

MAWMonday Motivators 09/25/2016

Could it be that life is at once a totally individualized challenge to achieve AND a collaborative, help-seeking opportunity to pay it forward? It could also be that life is neither. The only certainty is that you have a choice. What you may not realize and put into daily practice is that you impact your […]