MAWMonday Motivators 03/19/2017

What are you here to do? Now, how do you monetize it? This is not my typical motivation approach. Usually, money doesn’t enter the equation of motivation. But, I am a bit exhausted by people who are failing to reach for their dreams because the numbers don’t quite add up. This week, I want to […]

MAWMonday Motivators 12/18/2016

This week, we talk about optimism. Not just the feeling of positive expectation, but also the behaviors that inspire through vision, correct doubt through understanding, heal through experience, persevere with kindness, and motivate through clarity. Twitter is my launch point. You are my audience. I believe this post will encourage you through the upcoming week. […]

MAWMonday Motivators 02/08/2015

I opened Twitter for my morning writing and noticed that #amWriting was trending. I followed the thread and began to interact with the messages shared. As a coach, I see the connection between writing and self-development. I am often quoted expressing the fact that YOU WRITE your own endings. It seems that serious writers are […]