Social Media & the Non-Profit: the Systematic Storytelling Approach

Overcoming Barriers to Participation I have heard all the excuses. “I have nothing to say on social media.” “I don’t have the time to spend on social media.” “Social media is just not what I do.” Great and acceptable if you have the ability to pay someone to do it for you. But, that’s not […]

For Associations: Business Case for a Marketing & Development Director

Social media in particular has opened up the need for new skills in social interaction, communications, and marketing. Associations are one non-profit in particular that needs to tap into this skill base. But, as with many emerging fields, executive directors don’t know what to expect from these professionals. They are not always familiar with how the […]


Get Published Whether you simply want to say something or you have a novel fully outlined, you will find your voice and eventually realize your vision. We nurture your project as you Create. We Package sourcing industry-leading, low-cost, and on-demand services. We Disseminate connecting with market portals like Amazon, Etsy, and Udemy and social media portals like YouTube, Vimeo, and […]