MAWMonday Motivators 03/19/2017

What are you here to do? Now, how do you monetize it? This is not my typical motivation approach. Usually, money doesn’t enter the equation of motivation. But, I am a bit exhausted by people who are failing to reach for their dreams because the numbers don’t quite add up. This week, I want to […]

MAWMonday Motivators 11/29/2015

#MotivationMonday Thanksgiving week was productive and revelatory. Productive in that I made progress in targeted, focused, insistent, and consistent ways. Revelatory because I had to pause and wonder what it was I was doing before. But, no worry, no stress. I was preparing for this moment. Now, that I’m here, I’m loving it. What’s your […]

MAWMonday Motivators 10/19/2014

This week is dedicated to you. Life often provides challenges that highlight character. It is also true that the navigation through life IS character. Choice is character. This week, I was struck by tweets that supported sustainable choice behavior. Not only purpose and intentionality, but sustainable reactions to what life brings to you. 1. I […]

DERRICK Interview with Michael theMentor Wright

Michael theMentor Wright was recently interviewed by Derrick Hayes, Encouragement Speaker, for the DERRICK Interview series. Find the text of the interview here: The series is a creative take on interview questions inspired by the letters in DERRICK. D is for dream. E is for encouragement. R is for resource. The second R is for […]