MAWMonday Motivators 12/18/2016

This week, we talk about optimism. Not just the feeling of positive expectation, but also the behaviors that inspire through vision, correct doubt through understanding, heal through experience, persevere with kindness, and motivate through clarity. Twitter is my launch point. You are my audience. I believe this post will encourage you through the upcoming week. […]

MAWMonday Motivators 01/10/2016

I hope your first full week of 2016 was productive. You may have heeded the wisdom to move beyond resolutions to create a lifestyle that will endure. But, no one can deny the motivation of that new year (new car) smell. The freshness and expectation of a year with more promise than disappointments, more hope […]

MAWMonday Motivators 05/31/2015

This week, we get to the core of the matter. I’m enjoying one of those awakenings that come periodically in the life of an entrepreneur with a day job. Every step of the way, the entrepreneur with a day job questions, “Is now the time to step out and launch my venture full-time?” The answer […]

3 Keys from Social Good to Social Greatness

As I work with companies that want to create a social good, I am often surprised at the similarities in their approaches. As a social worker, I employ the ethic of self-determination in my consulting and coaching. Yet, what works is just what works in business. In this piece, I present what seems to work […]

Cooking up Success: Ingredients Outline

The secret ingredient is a #belief that someone believes in you. Add #discipline, #vision, and #initiative. Stir… — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 16, 2014 It’s not the #coaching itself that makes the difference. It’s the calculation to take risks. — Dr Michael theMentor (@MAWMedia) June 16, 2014 Discipline: Whatever the goal, it […]