Social Media & the Non-Profit: the Systematic Storytelling Approach

Overcoming Barriers to Participation I have heard all the excuses. “I have nothing to say on social media.” “I don’t have the time to spend on social media.” “Social media is just not what I do.” Great and acceptable if you have the ability to pay someone to do it for you. But, that’s not […]

Growth & MAWMedia Web V8.0: Gallery

[soliloquy id=”1129″] I have worked building my business for nearly 18 years. I have learned lessons as I self-taught everything from Organizational Development to CSS3. The platforms have changed along the way. The Internet has gone from web infancy to web 2.0. My web presence has changed too. I’m not embarrassed by the slow evolution only because […]

Social Media Resistance: The Consultant’s Appeal

In my life as a consultant and my experience as a 40 something, I have experienced the inner conflict. On one hand, innovation tells me to explore and quickly adopt (or figure out how to adapt) new technologies like social media tools. On the other hand, especially when observing how some have misused social media, […]